
Saturday, October 22, 2011

a glimpse of heaven

Man, it's been a busy couple of weeks!  This week we have been practicing for a performance that my students did yesterday.  We have had a new teacher intern in our small, temporary classroom.  We had our first "Show and Tell" day, and much much more.  It's hard to find time during the midst of the busyness to sit down and really reflect and appreciate everything that is going on around me.

In all honesty, I rarely do.  I'm struggling to find the balance between the art of "doing" and "being".  I find myself just attempting to "survive" in this foreign land and this fast-paced life.  Trying to "survive" the frustrations of being unable to communicate and my mediocre "charades" skills.  There is much stress and requirement and responsibility that comes with this... place. 

But He reminds me that , "To whom much is given, much is required."

So, then, I attempt to reflect on what has been given rather than what is required to constantly remind me that what has been given is much bigger than what is required.

And this week, during the overwhelming moments, I found myself, many times, going back to last Friday.  International Day.  A day where all our kids came dressed in outfits from their countries of origin.  A day where every student in our school got to sample foods from several different countries, and hear presentations from people who were born and raised in these countries, and experience music and crafts from these coutries, and carry and view flags from these countries.  There were 16 different flags...  and each flag represented a child, who at one time has walked through our school.  This was a day where there was no way I could disregard the diversity in my classroom, or overlook the fact that I am extremely fortunate and blessed to experience just a taste...  a glimpse of heaven...  where people from every nation, and tribe, and tongue will join to praise Him, the Creator of this diversity, and these people, and this foreign place, and requirements, and responsiblities, and charades...

The Marketplace

Emily claimed she wears
American clothes everyday
and insisted on wearing
her new China gear. :)

We were excited that they
were making cowboy hats
in the U.S.A. presentation.

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