
Sunday, August 21, 2011

it's "go time"!

Today's the big day.  The waiting game is over. Ready or not, here we go!


As I've mentioned before, the last 3 months have been a roller coaster ride.  And by that, I mean everything has been up and down...  my thoughts, my emotions, my days.  There are days I just sit and wait..  waiting for the ride to start.  I've felt like a kid in the candy store...  this is the best time of my life!  I've felt like the ride needs to slow down...  if not, I think I might hurl.  I've been excited, ecstatic, eager, and anxious.  I've been sad, and scared, and lonely.  There are days I've been numb to it all...  is this really happening?  Is it possible to feel all these things at once?  Because I feel them all this morning.  But in the midst of all of it, I also feel Peace.  I am so thankful that there is a Truth that is bigger than my thoughts, my feelings, and my days.  That there is Truth that is never-changing and never-failing, when my thoughts, and my feelings, and my days are ever-changing and ever-failing.

And the peace of Him, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds.

Ready or not, here we go!


"Goodbyes", "See you laters", "After while crocodiles"...  no matter what I call them, they are all just as hard.  I'm not a fan of goodbyes.  Hate is a strong word...  but I hate goodbyes.  Even though I will see you later alligator, I still hate goodbyes.  Even though they're hard, some goodbyes were very encouraging.  People are excited for us, wished us well, and I have no doubt they will keep in touch.  Other goodbyes, not so much.  Good goodbyes, bad goodbyes, hard goodbyes, easy goodbyes....  all just as hard.  They make me sad, they hurt, and I hate goodbyes...  So, this is what it means to "count the cost".

Walking out the door of the little house that finally felt like "home".  Count the cost.  Watching my sister and favorite (and only) niece in the whole world drive away in my car.  Count the cost.  My other sister driving away right behind them.  Count the cost.  Hugging my 81 year old grandma goodbye.  Count the cost.  Leaving a job, people, and students that I love.  Count the cost.  My last worship service in this place, Emily's last time in KidStuff, my last time in this community (for 2 years anyway).  Count the cost.  I haven't told my parents goodbye yet...  they're taking us to the airport.  But even then... I'll count the cost.

So why are we leaving people we love, people who love us, my great job, and community, and that little house with a jacuzzi tub, and my car, and everything comfortable?

Because He said:  "Count the cost and follow Me."


discard pile
the chaos

Our plane leaves tonight, but we leave in just a few short hours to head to the airport.

Drive to the aiport- 2 hours 47 minutes
First flight-2 hours 10 minutes
First layover-5 hours 20 minutes
Next flight-15 hours 30 minutes
Next layover- 2 hours 5 minutes
Last flight-3 hours 30 minutes
Total travel time:  30 hours 42 minutes

Get there Tuesday morning, start school on Wednesday!

It's "Go Time"! Let's do this!


  1. I hope that you guys have safe travels!! Also hope that you can adjust nicely! If you need any ideas in your time of adjustment, since we're in the same grade, I can help out! See you all soon!!

  2. Look at that awesome packing job! Way to go! :) Thinking of you and Emily as you make your way to our side of the world. Big hugs!!

  3. The amazing thing about "counting the cost" is that what seems to be an ending is really a beginning! Case in point...we tallied the "cost" to go and thought we would still be there. But if we had not "had" to leave to come back to Austin, we would not have met you and Emily. We'll you know the rest from there... =)
