
Saturday, August 27, 2011

we are here!

Well, we are finally here, and I can't believe it!  It's only been four days and it feels like much longer...  in a good way.  We got here on Tuesday, and started school Wednesday morning.  I already feel like we fit right in.  We have been welcomed by many, our meals have been provided, we have reunited with old friends, and have already made many new friends.  It's great to feel so comfortable in such a foreign place.  I'm sure we will have our days where this isn't the case, but for now, it's nice.  :) 

Even if we were to leave tomorrow (we're not, but theoretically speaking...) if we were, just this week would have been worth it.  It has been such a life-changing, eye-opening week, and I can't wait to see what He has in store and what the next couple of years will bring.


3 a.m. wake-up calls is about all I can say.  It doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I'm wide awake by 3 a.m.  This makes for very long days!  This morning it was 3:30, so I'm looking at that as a positive thing...  making progress.  It is now 4:30 a.m. and Emily is still asleep, so I think she is beginning to get on schedule.  Me, not so much.  Hoping that will change by Monday morning!


My little 5 year old has experienced more in the past week than she can possibly comprehend.  She has had a meltdown or two, but I'd be concerned if she didn't!  She is already adjusting better than I could have ever possibly asked for.  She has made lots of new friends, she loves her new bedroom, and she is even sleeping in her own bed!  We should have moved to China 5 years ago...  :)

First Day of Kindergarten

Day 2

Day 3

I still need lots of time to process and get my thoughts together, so I don't have a whole lot to say at this point, other than we are here on a one-way ticket!  Not sure that has fully sunk in yet.  It's exciting.  But it's strange...  no itenerary to look at, no more suitcases to pack (thank goodness!).  We are here.  And this is our home. 

1 comment:

  1. wow sleeping in her own bed-good big girl skills.She looks so much bigger. Ireally do regret not seein you bfore you left. Good luck with getting adjust to it all. Emily and you are troopers and will have it down in no time.
