
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

you're going where!?

A little over 2 years ago, I came across a teaching opportunity at an International School in China, and I've been interested in it ever since.  My first thought was..."I wish I could do something like that."  And my next thought was... "Why can't I?"  I looked into the opportunity shortly after coming across it, and was encouraged to wait until I had 2 years teaching experience and until Emily was in Kindergarten.  So...  I had 2 years to think about it.

Realizing that I was still interested in the opportunity a year later, I thought it would be wise to travel to China and get a feel for what it would be like before moving there.  There was a summer camp associated with the International School and they needed a teacher to teach English to first graders for 2 weeks.  Perfect!  I could do that.  I initially thought I would go by myself and leave Emily with family or friends for 2 weeks, while I took this great opportunity and scoped out what our lives might look like in China. 

I rethought the idea...  and couldn't stand the thought of being away from Emily that long.  Also, if we were really going to move to China, I wanted to see what it would be like for Emily, too.  So, I let them know I was interested in teaching at the camp, but that I wanted to bring my daughter with me.  Though she was only 4, I felt confident in her behavior and that she would be okay hanging out with us at the camp.

Much to my surprise, they said ok!  So, last summer, Emily and I hopped on Emily's first airplane ever (forget the baby steps!), and we headed East.  As you can imagine, we had a variety of responses.  Some support and encouragement...  and lots of... "you're going where!?", and  "why are you doing that!?"  I got many "you're crazy looks" and my favorite comment:  "I hope your decison-making skills are as they should be."

The unexpected and overwhelming negative response was very discouraging and made me question what I was doing and why.  I began to doubt my decision and was very uneasy 2 weeks before our departure.  But when I sat down on that airplane, with my 4 year old daughter, I knew what I was doing and why I was doing it.  The sense of Peace I had is undescribable, and I had no doubt that I was supposed to be on that airplane.

Our time in China was wonderful, hard, great, uncomfortable, peaceful, uneasy, confusing, and life-changing all at the same time.  I actually left China, not sure if I'd be going back.  My thoughts and emotions have been up and down this year.  But here I am....  waiting to return to China...  with 2 years teaching experience and Emily ready for Kindergarten.  :)

We leave in just a few days...  and I know Where I'm going and Why I'm going there.  And I can't wait!

Me and Emily at the International Banquet
during our training/orientation in New York



  1. Hey Lea! I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blog! I just wanted you to know I think it is AWESOME you're going to China to teach. I can tell that God is going to use you there in such a huge way. I can't wait to keep reading an follow you on this incredible journey you'll be taking. :]

    -Amy Tiller

  2. Thanks for sharing the news of your Journey.
    Looking forward to hearing more from you.
    Best Wishes to you and Emily.

  3. I am so excited for you two and your new adventure!! You both will do great!! Congrats and good luck!

  4. Lea and Emily, we are so proud of you and excited for the "pair of ducks" experiences that await you! You two will impact so many lives for doing what really matters with our lives here on earth. Greg and I will go for a visit first chance we way we're going to let you have all the fun! =)

  5. I am so proud of you. This will be such a fun journey for those of us in your cheer squad too because we will certainly be blessed!!!! Love my girls!!!
